Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I hate this term. I think it should be banned. Its supposed to be a slap in the face of the person they are talking about, but in my opinion, it makes the user look like an uncreative idiot.

While I'm at it, I also hate "stay-cation". If your going to just sit at home and eat Cheetos just say that. No need to call it anything fancy!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Technology Rocks!

Why does technology Rock?
Today I was on the El heading to work. I always read the newspaper on the way to work and like everyone who reads the paper, I end up with ink on my finger tips. On my way down I wiped my face with my hand and immediately wondered if I had any ink smudge on my face. How to remedy the situation? TECHNOLOGY!
I wiped out my Motorola Q and took a picture of my face. After admiring my face for a while i checked and there was no smudge.
Good thing there wasn't any because I didn't pay the extra to get the wet wipes attachment for my phone.
Technology Rocks!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


So Every time i eat at McDonalds, i swear it will be the last time. However, every time I feel hung over or just not right, i eat there and I start feeling better. Then I start thinking about what I just ate and my stomach starts getting a little upset again. I'm not sure what McD's puts in their grease, but my stomach seems to like it, and then hate it.
So I went to the McD's website today to hav a look at the "nutritional" facts. I was astounded. I knew stuff wasn't very good for you, but it was worse than I thought!

Here is the break down:

Its good to know that I got 137% of my cholesterol and 75% of my Saturated fat intake for the day. Those two are the hardest to obtain!