Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Coffee Maker

Why is it that when I'm at work and I go and get some coffee and the coffee pot has about 1/2 of an ounce in it?? I understand that if you are the person that takes the last of the coffee, that you are supposed to make a new pot. Lets be honest, leaving anything less than half a cup left constitutes taking "the last". 
Making coffee is not that difficult people!

  1. Locate Filter basket and remove from coffee maker.
  2. Throw away filter/grounds
  3. Put in new filter and fill with Coffee grounds
  4. Place filter basket in Coffee maker
  5. Push BREW button.

Wow. Wasn't that easy?

I propose a new rule: If anyone leaves less than 1/2 a cup of coffee in the bottom of the pot and doesn't make a new pot, the remainder of the pot is poured directly on their lap, preferably steaming hot.

Who is with me??

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