Monday, September 29, 2008

Kindest Regards....

My Friend Adam posted some things about email signatures a while ago so I thought I'd weigh in on this highly debated topic.

Why do people put closings to emails in their signatures? I think its lazy and a bad practice. Is it really hard to type "Thanks, " at the end of each email? Here are a few instances where this strategy fails:

1. You are emailing someone trying to be forceful. 
Due to your incompetence, I've had to work all weekend to get the system backup. If you ever do this again, you'll be cleaning the gum off the sidewalk out front!
Kindest Regards,

Are you really getting your point across when you do this??

2. You are replying to an email and your email program marks your text in a different font than your signature. 

"I concur
Thanks, Nick"

That looks ridiculous.

3. You are sending a response to a co-worker were a closing makes no sense. 
Regards, Nick

Does 7 really need a "Regards"? I think not.

Come on people. Lets stop being lazy!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Cubs Clinch!

From Cubs Clinch!

I know its been almost a week since they clinched, but I didn't have a chance to post my pics from the game. So without further ado...

The video is of the last pitch of the game.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Coffee Maker

Why is it that when I'm at work and I go and get some coffee and the coffee pot has about 1/2 of an ounce in it?? I understand that if you are the person that takes the last of the coffee, that you are supposed to make a new pot. Lets be honest, leaving anything less than half a cup left constitutes taking "the last". 
Making coffee is not that difficult people!

  1. Locate Filter basket and remove from coffee maker.
  2. Throw away filter/grounds
  3. Put in new filter and fill with Coffee grounds
  4. Place filter basket in Coffee maker
  5. Push BREW button.

Wow. Wasn't that easy?

I propose a new rule: If anyone leaves less than 1/2 a cup of coffee in the bottom of the pot and doesn't make a new pot, the remainder of the pot is poured directly on their lap, preferably steaming hot.

Who is with me??

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Definition of Ironic

Watching "Biggest loser" while chowing down on a bowl of 3 scoops of Chocolate fudge ice cream with a cookie on top...

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Andrea Kramer Drinking Game

I hate Andrea Kramer. She's got the intelligence of my dog's back left leg. In honor of such an intelligent lady, I have come up with a new drinking game to try when you are trying to watch Sunday night football.

Stares blankly at the camera - 1 drink
Mis-pronounces a name - 2 drinks
Looks at her notes - 2 drinks
Looks at her notes more than once - 4 drinks
Mentions Tom Brady - 5 drinks
She gives a report but is not shown on TV - 0 drinks, Consider yourself lucky!
She starts looking even remotely good looking - Chug until you can't see.

# of drinks
stares blankly at the screen1
mis-pronounces a name2
Looks at her notes3