Monday, September 29, 2008

Kindest Regards....

My Friend Adam posted some things about email signatures a while ago so I thought I'd weigh in on this highly debated topic.

Why do people put closings to emails in their signatures? I think its lazy and a bad practice. Is it really hard to type "Thanks, " at the end of each email? Here are a few instances where this strategy fails:

1. You are emailing someone trying to be forceful. 
Due to your incompetence, I've had to work all weekend to get the system backup. If you ever do this again, you'll be cleaning the gum off the sidewalk out front!
Kindest Regards,

Are you really getting your point across when you do this??

2. You are replying to an email and your email program marks your text in a different font than your signature. 

"I concur
Thanks, Nick"

That looks ridiculous.

3. You are sending a response to a co-worker were a closing makes no sense. 
Regards, Nick

Does 7 really need a "Regards"? I think not.

Come on people. Lets stop being lazy!

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