Sunday, September 14, 2008

Andrea Kramer Drinking Game

I hate Andrea Kramer. She's got the intelligence of my dog's back left leg. In honor of such an intelligent lady, I have come up with a new drinking game to try when you are trying to watch Sunday night football.

Stares blankly at the camera - 1 drink
Mis-pronounces a name - 2 drinks
Looks at her notes - 2 drinks
Looks at her notes more than once - 4 drinks
Mentions Tom Brady - 5 drinks
She gives a report but is not shown on TV - 0 drinks, Consider yourself lucky!
She starts looking even remotely good looking - Chug until you can't see.

# of drinks
stares blankly at the screen1
mis-pronounces a name2
Looks at her notes3

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